Thursday, January 31, 2019


Every human being in this world has his own talent, to create  or to say something, that may be usefull to sombody or to many people.,but fear to make a mistake discourage or stop many of us,to share their knowledge to others. And that is a greate mistake,  because nobody about a mistake.and we have to realize that making a mistake for hundread times, is mor better than not to try at all. And a mistake is not a weakness,the weakness is ,not to accept your mistake after its had been discovere by  sombody,who may be your senior or your junior.the father of  of relativity said (Albert einstein), " the brain that creates a problem should not be use to solve that particular  problem.means there is need to apply another brain to solve that particular problem".
 So that is why  i am trying to create this blogin website ,for the purpose of teaching and learning, in the science-related stuff.
as everyone knows, science is a collection of many ideas,theories and hypothesis,which evolve from the ancient time to till- this science turtorial concepts ,we will focus on five main science courses,Wich are;
1). Life science.
2). earth science.
3).Computer science.
4) engineering.

 We will start from the life-related science,which is biology.
biology is a science that deals with life or living thing.which compose of many creatures from one cell (uni-cellular orgernsim) to  insects,birt,fish and human being,whose are (multicellular organisims) .
 And in this  broad amazing course. we will still start from the study of human body, or (human biology),because it is the most important.why?,,because you as a human being ,knowing how your body and your  internal organs work.will make you very easy to maintain them in proper way.
As every organisms,human biological structure started from cell, to tissue,organ,and organs-system.
for good foundation,let us start from the cell ,then to tissue,organ,and the organs-system.
Another advantage of this site is that: everything will explain in simple-english-words, in other to be understand by the even road-site-men.

and for those who want to read these turtorial in hausa language,they can visit my other website,at
where I  explained everything in our mother's language.(hausa).thanks to everybody.
#For any corrections or ssuggestion, just  let me know in the below box, or econtact me at junaiduumar2233@gmail.coml

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Earth science

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