Tuesday, January 8, 2019

(1).Earth science/Geography

 What is Earth Science?

Earth science is the study of our home planet and all of its components: its lands, waters, atmosphere, and interior. In this concept, some chapters are devoted to the processes that shape the lands and impact people. Other chapters depict the processes of the atmosphere and its relationship to the planet’s surface and all our living creatures. For as long as people have been on the planet, humans have had to live within Earth’s boundaries. Now human life is having a profound effect on the planet. Several chapters are devoted to the effect people have on the planet. Chapters at the end of the concept will explore the universe beyond Earth: planets and their satellites, stars, galaxies, and beyond.
The journey to better understanding Earth begins here with an exploration of how scientists learn about the natural world and introduces you to the study of Earth science.

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Earth science

(2).Introduction to earth science