Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Science is simply means;the system ore ability of human being to understand how the world's nature works or behave.
There are a lot of things in this world,which men have been doing or using from the ancient times to till-date. But They do not know the science behind them.and knowing lt,will leads us to better understanding  our physical world & its laws. And This also help and serves as the foundation stone for our technologies to evolve,in  hausa community and around the globe. Reading more on physical,chemical and biological phenomener, of this world,will make our   life very easy.
 So in this turtorial,I will guid me and my fellow brothers and sisters,on how to do this in simple manner,by providing us a science-related lessons, in a simple and understadable words,  in other to be comprehen by the even primary student.and if you are not good in science ,at all or you are not familiar With science-relateted-words,just skip this site and jump to my other website at where everything explained in hausa language.
god bless all of us.

1 comment:

Earth science

(2).Introduction to earth science