Tuesday, January 1, 2019

(47).Materials human used.

What resources are in those electronics?
Everyone may realize that we use resources like trees, copper, water, and gemstones, but how many of us realize the tremendous variety of elements we need to make a single electronic device? A tablet computer with a touch screen contains many common chemical elements and a variety of rare earth elements.
Common Materials We Use From The Earth
People depend on natural resources for just about everything that keeps us fed and sheltered, as well as for the things that keep us entertained. Every person in the United States uses about 20,000 kilograms (40,000 pounds) of minerals every year for a wide range of products, such as cell phones, TVs, jewelry, and cars. Table below shows some common objects, the materials they are made from, and whether they are renewable or non-renewabl hese Resources Renewable or Non-Renewable?  Cars15 different metals, such as iron, lead, and chromium to make the body.Non-renewableJewelry
Precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum.
Gems like diamonds, rubies, emeralds, turquoise.
Non-renewableElectronic Appliances (TV's, computers, DVD players, cell phones, etc.)Many different metals, like copper, mercury, gold.Non-renewable Clothing
Soil to grow fibers such as cotton.
Sunlight for the plants to grow.
Animals for fur and leather.
Soil to grow plants.
Wildlife and agricultural animals.
RenewableBottled Water
Water from streams or springs.
Petroleum products to make plastic bottles.

Trees for timber.
Rocks and miniral for construction materials, for example, granite, gravel, sand.
Non-renewable and Renewable

Many objects, such as a car, contain many types of resources.

Resources may be renewable or non-renewable, and an object may contain some of each.

Rare earth elements and other unusual materials are used in some electronic devices.

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Earth science

(2).Introduction to earth science